Über die kritische Rolle der sozialen Medien bei der narrativen Verarbeitung von Rassismus und Xenophobia (Xenophobia) in Großbritannien nach dem Brexit-Referendum informiert der Report von Priska Komaromi und Karissa Singh.
„Social media has played a critical role in documenting post-referendum racism and xenophobia (PRRX), in particular the three platforms around which this report is based: PostRefRacism, Worrying Signs and iStreetWatch. The data collected is in the form of stories offered and shared within the growing public-sphere of social media, by victims and witnesses of racist and xenophobic abuse. This report unifies and analyses data from the three platforms, presenting a single dataset that offers an insight into the nature, the location and the victim-groups of such abuse. It finds that the PRRX abuse targeted anyone perceived to be ‘foreign’ and was anti-immigrant rather than anti-European in its rhetoric. Nonetheless, a large proportion of abuse reported specifically referred to the referendum. The themes that emerge are placed within the context of an increasing normalisation of xeno-racist narratives and the manifestation of the ‘hostile environment principle’. It aims to also comment on the opportunities and challenges presented by social media activism as a force for affecting positive change and challenging xeno-racist narratives.“
Der Report kann hier eingesehen werden: